[Gognac] Fermentation Konjac Brown rice 150gx30pack-Low Calorie DietFiber Digestible Diet-Made in Korea

USD $54.78 USD $63.00

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What Is Konjac?

Konjac is a root vegetable that grows in parts of Asia. It’s known for its starchy corm, a tuber-like part of the stem that grows underground. The corm is used to make a rich source of soluble dietary fiber known as glucomannan.

- The benefits of konjac for food: Low in Calories, High in Fiber, Blood Sugar Regulation, Cholesterol Reduction, Prebiotic Properties, Gluten-Free, Versatility in Cooking

Calories are DOWN! Health is UP!

-When you eat 1 packet of <Fermentation Konjac Brown rice>1 packet, you will consume fewer calories than rice, which is equivalent to the amount of exercise that a normal person weighing 60 kg would do the following: 22 minutes of walking, 11 minutes of cycling, 9 minutes of swimming, 14 minutes of aerobics.

-Reducing your calorie intake is the basis of good health! Per 100 grams, rice has 136 kcal and <Fermentation Konjac Brown rice> has 77 kcal. If you eat 30 packets of <Fermentation Konjac Brown rice>, you can reduce your calorie intake by 2,670 kcal. This translates to 297 grams of fat.

-<Fermentation Konjac Brown rice> is a low-carbohydrate food that is 40% lower in carbohydrates than rice.

-The air bubbles produced during the fermentation process make it easier to eat with a softer texture, and the action of sugar alcohols, organic acids, and minerals produced during the fermentation process reduces the unique smell of Konjac.

-Improved the indigestibility and indigestibility of Konjac by fermentation. In your busy life, you can take care of your health by paying attention to calories while being convenient.

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